Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Write about the ways in which Charles Dickens presented the female :: Free Essay Writer
Write about the ways in which Charles Dickens presented the femalecharacters in Great ExpectationsCharles Dickens was born on the 7th February 1812. He is cognize as oneof the greatest writer of his time, creating classics that are stillappreciated to this day. Surprisingly he had very little education andtaught himself. At a early age Dickens was interested in becoming areporter and writing and as well as writing fiction, he edited aweekly journal for twenty years. Dickens died on 9th June 1870, at theage of 58.The novel Great Expectations was first publish in 1861. The novelwas first published in a weekly magazine in several different partsand when finally finished it was published as a book. As it wasserialised at that place were many cliff hangers leaving the reader wanting toread on. It is about Pip who is orphaned at birth, he lives with hisstrict sister and her husband, a blacksmith. His sine qua non takes a newcourse when he is summoned to meet Miss Havisham, a rich lady drivento the edge of sanity after being leave at the altar. Pip slowlybecomes infatuated with Miss Havishams adopted daughter Estella andhis hopes of winning her are boosted when he learns that someone hasleft him a generous gist of money. The story takes some greattwists the three main female characters are Mrs Joe Gargery, MissHavisham, and Estella, all which are portrayed differently in thenovel. The Victorian design was extremely different the hierarchical systemwas much more important, and at the time the novel was written therewere many controversial political issues. At the time the novel waspublished rarely did women have an education or work. Charles Dickensdepicted men and women as existing within different kind spaces.With the exception of Estella, who travels from Satis House to London,all of Dickenss female characters are contained within the home.Women were stereotyped as housewives, and did not have much controlover their own lives as women were seen to be owned by their husbands.In Great Expectations we can see how the women who fit Dickens ideaswere rewarded with happy lives, usually in the form of marriage, likeBiddy. On the early(a) hand, the women who did not conform to these ideaswere punished in one way or another. Even though not all of Dickensattitudes reflected what was typical of the period, many did. GreatExpectations is a reflection of those attitudes that were most likelyencouraged by the women in his life.The female characters physical appearance plays a big part, as it
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