Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Greenhousing The Wrong Way :: essays research papers fc
Greenhousing the Wrong WayExactly what is the "Greenhouse Effect?"     The "Greenhouse Effect" is the earthy designation given to global warming. Theeffect is named so due to its similarities to the function of a greenhouse.Heat from the sun is al lowlyed into our atmosphere, and then bounces off of theEarth and heads back stunned to space. merely now that we have a wall of CarbonDioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, and CFCs, the suns light up rays bounce backtowards the Earth. The continuous burning of fossil fuels and the rain forestsis create additional amounts of carbon dioxide to be released into the atmosphere.     Carbon dioxide acts as the walls of a greenhouse that encompasses thewhole world, trapping heat into the atmosphere. The thickening of the blanketis cause much heat to be trapped resulting in the warming of the earth. Onegreat example of the Greenhouse Effect is the planet Venus. Venuss atmospherehad a thi ck layer of CO2, vainglorious the planets bulge out a temperature warm enoughto melt lead. So What Does All This "Greenhouse" Stuff Have To Do With Me?     As the temperatures rise, the waters get tepid and bring the meltingprocess of the polar ice caps (Popular Science).     Long term predictions of Global warming say that the melting of thepolar ice caps volition pass over causing ocean waters to rise, resulting in massivecoastal flooding of major cities such as Los Angeles and Miami.     If the next centurys warming stays at a low end of estimates, theconsequences are likely to be mild. But if warming reaches the middle or topestimates, we are likely to see such things as more frequent and more intenseheat waves, increased flooding, and droughts in different areas. Not to mentionthe 60,000,000 migrants that would be caused if only 1% of our future populationhad to try higher ground. This many migrants woul d help to further ouralready crowded cities, and take more jobs and require health care. Diseasessuch as malaria and other dirt ball borne ailments will have an expanded range ifthe tropics continue to warm. If conditions change faster than species canadapt, many, many, many animals will become extinct (World Book). So What Am ISupposed To About All These Man Made Disasters?     Become knowledgeable about the subject of global warming. Recognizethat global warming may exasperate and prepare yourself and others for it.Greenhousing The Wrong Way essays research papers fc Greenhousing the Wrong WayExactly what is the "Greenhouse Effect?"     The "Greenhouse Effect" is the common name given to global warming. Theeffect is named so due to its similarities to the function of a greenhouse.Heat from the sun is allowed into our atmosphere, and then bounces off of theEarth and heads back out to space. But now that we have a wall of CarbonDioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, and CFCs, the suns heat rays bounce backtowards the Earth. The continuous burning of fossil fuels and the rain forestsis causing excess amounts of carbon dioxide to be released into the atmosphere.     Carbon dioxide acts as the walls of a greenhouse that encompasses thewhole world, trapping heat into the atmosphere. The thickening of the blanketis causing more heat to be trapped resulting in the warming of the earth. Onegreat example of the Greenhouse Effect is the planet Venus. Venuss atmospherehad a thick layer of CO2, giving the planets surface a temperature warm enoughto melt lead. So What Does All This "Greenhouse" Stuff Have To Do With Me?     As the temperatures rise, the waters get warmer and begin the meltingprocess of the polar ice caps (Popular Science).     Long term predictions of Global warming say that the melting of thepolar ice caps will continue causing ocea n waters to rise, resulting in massivecoastal flooding of major cities such as Los Angeles and Miami.     If the next centurys warming stays at a low end of estimates, theconsequences are likely to be mild. But if warming reaches the middle or topestimates, we are likely to see such things as more frequent and more intenseheat waves, increased flooding, and droughts in different areas. Not to mentionthe 60,000,000 migrants that would be caused if only 1% of our future populationhad to seek higher ground. This many migrants would help to further ouralready crowded cities, and take more jobs and require health care. Diseasessuch as malaria and other insect borne ailments will have an expanded range ifthe tropics continue to warm. If conditions change faster than species canadapt, many, many, many animals will become extinct (World Book). So What Am ISupposed To About All These Man Made Disasters?     Become knowledgeable about the subject of glo bal warming. Recognizethat global warming may worsen and prepare yourself and others for it.
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